Monday 30 March 2015

Auron Turns FOUR!

We have had such a busy weekend. On Friday we had our weekly library trip. It was much more successful than previous trips. Auron is right in to it but Lili still holds back a little and prefers to sit by me for the most part. While the kids were doing their craft activity Ammon was laying down next to us and just started tooting off like a trumpet. Oh my gosh the stench was horrific! I thought for shure we would have some kind of poonami on our hands. So I quickly packed the kids up and headed to the bathroom and Lo and Behold NOTHING not a single thing in that nappy.

Later that night Aarahi went to a meeting a church and I ordered takeaway which was gross. I could slowly feel myself getting sick, by Saturday morning I was losing my voice, by Saturday night it was long gone. I went to a 50th Birthday on Saturday afternoon and did a fair bit of talking/yelling so that didn't help.

Come Sunday I felt like staying in bed all day but I had to Primary at church so off to church we went being careful to try not spread my germs. I was more than happy once 4pm rolled around and I could go home. But not as happy as 7pm when I told everyone to GO TO BED!

Auron woke up today, HIS BIRTHDAY with no voice. He had unfortunately caught my bug, on his birthday no less. He was unfazed, and far to excited about it FINALLY being his birthday to care that he sounded hilarious. I made him pancakes for breakfast then asked him what he wanted to do for the day. He wanted to take a bath....That suited me just fine. He spent a good 2-3 hours in the bath, I heated the water up a few times for him. He only got out when I suggested we go to the shop for an iceblock.

Unfortunately Ammon was being a bit sooky today and was making it impossible for me to get organised for Auron's special afternoon tea. My cousin Sotarah came to the rescue with Mcdonalds in hand to look after the kids while I made a mad rush to make Auron's cake and finish cooking and cleaning.

At 3pm our family and the Missionaries arrived to help us celebrate. We ordered pizza for dinner as per Auron's request, he only ate half a piece but whatever, you can do whatever you like on your birthday!

He received lots of phone calls from his Aunties and cousins and Nana's and felt pretty special all day. He also got the Spiderman Car Racer that he has been wanting since his LAST birthday.

Auron is such an amazing child, we love him so much. He is loving, polite, kind, and helpful. He comes up with some of the most HILARIOUS things to say. He has us laughing uncontrollably on almost a daily basis. He loves his family especially his cousins Izayah and Bronte and Nana and Grand-nana and Grandgraeme. He prays for these 5 people every single day. If you make it into Auron's prayers you know you're winning! Auron has such a sweet spirit and his testimony is growing strong. He loves to sing primary songs, his favourite is "I love to See the Temple" I can't believe we have been blessed to be his Mum and Dad and have the privilege of raising him.

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