Monday 23 July 2012

A fruit baby?

This past week I have had cravings? I dunno if i would call it cravings but an unsual desire to eat fruit! I'm not usually a fruit person, we have lots at our house because Aarahi's a bit of a fruit nut. This week though I cant seem to get enough of oranges and green apples. Also almonds....who knew those things were so good?
I finally relented this week and got some warm clothes that fit me. I thought I could get through this pregnancy/winter without having to buy any more clothes but after a week of living in my pj's and Aarahis hoodies I realised if i was ever the leave the house again I would need some new clothes. Unfortunatly all my maternity clothes from Auron are for summer so are no good to me. Lucky for me Pumpkin Patch had 50% off maternity! $150 later and I was sorted. We also picked up a cute little leather jacket for Auron for cheap. Ahhhh I love end of season sales. It's amazing hw much better I feel now that I don't look so hori.
The past month or so Auron has for some unknown reason taken a disliking to baths. He hasn't fallen over, or the water been too hot/too cold so no idea. Turns out he only wants Daddy to give him a bath. Aarahi has no problem getting him in and clean whereas he will perform so much for me that i dont even bother and just wipe him down with a wetwipe.

Our ward had a Returned Missionary Fireside last night, all the RM's brought in little keepsakes they had from their missions. One of them (Bro Kayrooz) brought along a yearbook in which Aarahi came across his oldest sisters profile! pretty cool alright.

This week we decorated a butterfly with all sorts of different things. I just cut out  a butterfly template and stuck it onto some clear duraseal 

The finished product! Now proudly hanging on the dining room wall.

Up to mischief again..... 

A whole loaf of bread with one bite taken out of each piece!


Monday 16 July 2012


I think having all this cold weather I shouldn't be too surprised Auron has a yucky cold. I am pretty blessed that when he's sick he doesn't make too much of a fuss, just a extra bit clingy and sleepy. We're also lucky that the new pram we bought is a real cosy one so he doesn't get cold if we have to go out. Talking about being cold though, he's just discovered how to take his clothes off, as soon as he's dressed and I'm getting his breakfast he's stripping down. Getting him to put them back on is easy but he just takes them off again so I give up and just turn the heater on. Hopefully he doesn't decide to rip off his nappy, that could be a filthy disaster.

Come Friday last week I got struck down with the cold Auron has, it's full effect arriving on Saturday night. Auron and I skipped church and set up the lounge with matresses and mountains of pillows and tissues. Aarahi went to church saying he would probably stay a little longer and have a meeting with his  counsellors so when he arrived home barely 2 hours later I was a little surprised. Apparently church was cut short (only had sacrament meeting) because it was too cold in the chapel as the heating system was broken. It was nice to have him home to take care of me.

On Sunday morning I woke up to a rash on my hand, by the time Sunday night came my whole body was covered and itching like crazy. I had NO sleep that night. I went to the doctor the next day, turns out I'm allergic to my asthma inhaler....go figure the inhaler I've been taking for the past 23 years of my life. The problem is that when I'm sick I need my inhaler to be able to breathe so the doctor did some swapping around and gave me a different one, so far so good, I'm still covered in massive red rashes but they are going down slowly.

Well just got home from the movies, we went to see Brave. It was a really good movie, I liked it, Aarahi liked it, Auron watched the majority of it before becoming more interested in the packet of M&M's.

Auron was more than EXCITED to see Cookie Monster and Elmo on the news tonight. They were having a show here in Melbourne, I wish I had got tickets for us but Auron had no interest when they were selling the tickets. 

Reading my scriptures like a good boy

Auron loved our trip to Bunning where they had little trolleys,  he kept filling it up with all sorts of junk.

Auron's been quite interested in matching things particular shoes  so I made him some cool matching blocks out of wood (so he can't fold them and break them easily!) So far he's really enjoyed them and has found other uses for them too. I made about 12 I think.

Since I've been sick the housework has been lacking. One afternoon  I turned the vacuum cleaner on and left Auron to clean the kitchen while I had a shower. When I got out he was still going, he had done a pretty good job too I must say.  

Friday 6 July 2012

The weeks are flying by

This year seems to be going so fast. Before I realise it's the end of the week and I have barely accomplished anything. Auron and I went to town on Thursday to return some library books and do some groceries. It was sooooooo busy! I had forgotton it was school holidays, I hate school particular all those crazy teeny boppers lol. At least I managed to get everything done I had on my list.
I have seen some really neat things to do with Auron lately as he has been getting a bit bored with our regular activities. The first one we are trying is making some coloured rice and hiding some little "treasures" in it for him to find.  I also made some coloured pasta (I was on a roll). I bought these cool cards the other day that have photos on them of different animals which he loves to play with.
After 14 months or so Auron is actually in some kind of routine, never really bothered trying to put him into one, he's kind of just done it himself. We're down to one sleep in the afternoon, and he still wakes up once at night (pretty sure I could knock that on the head if I wanted but I kind of like it because he comes into bed with me) I actually will be pretty gutted when he decided to sleep through the night. I think I can count on one hand the times he's sleep in his own bed for a full night. What I'm most happy about is that we can just put him to bed and he doesn't make a fuss.
Aarahi took Friday off work and we did nothing, except go to the supermarket for toilet paper which we were desperately in need of after which we came home and had the most wonderful pulled pork sandwiches on homemade buns, that we are still eating today and probably tomorrow.

I was being a little too quiet...must have been up to mischief throwing eggs on the ground. I must take after my Uncle Khyber.

Doing some more paintings.

My coloured rice with some animals to play with.

I really liked mixing the colours together and scooping the rice up and putting it into different containers

This is me playing with the pasta after I had my nap. Mummy  gave me some pipe cleaners to thread on the pasta with holes in. I'm pretty good at sorting out which ones go on the pipe cleaners. When I am a bit bigger I will learn to sort my pasta into colours.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Drawing fun

This week has been cold and miserable. The washing has been hard to get dry, to the point I was running out of clothes that could fit me...not hard these days. I think perhaps investing in a dryer is something to consider especially since we use cloth nappies on Auron.
Due to the bad weather we've spent pretty much everyday inside with the heater on full. We have managed to do some fun things like painting and gluing things and lots of colouring. We have also been trying to learn about our face, eyes, ears, nose etc. Last week we managed to go to the library after my hospital visit and get out some book. Auron hasn't been too impressed with my selection and still prefers the ones we already have at home. He has a fascination with cooking books too...takes after his mama there.
Auron is finally starting to talk! YEY! I know he understands a lot when we talk to him but he's never really made any effort to actually talk aside from calling out to 'dad'. His second word after 'dad' has been 'thank you' haha pretty proud of that one!
The end of June is the end of the financial year in Australia. The big retail stores usually have huge sales, mostly on toys but other stuff too. LAst night we went out to see if there was anything we might want to get for Chirstmas and ended up doing all our christmas shopping. Auron was a bit upset when he saw me put the cool new toys away but he came right when he saw the Sesame Street DVD daddy said he could have now.
My faithful hair straightner has been broken for awhile now, despite all the banging it on things it just didnt want to work anymore. Aarahi has been hasseling me to get a new one for a few months but being one who finds it difficult to spend money on myself i've kept putting it off, until yesterday when being the lovely husband he is dragged me into the hair shop. The intent was to by a GHD but on talking to the hairdresser and trying a few out we settled for a Baybliss, lol $3 cheaper! I love it! It's easy to use and works FAST, like 10mins to do my hair which is ridiculously long and thick.