Monday 8 February 2016

I Lost the Keys at the Beach

On Tuesday we spent a lovely day at the beach, only to realise I had lost the keys when it was time to go home...keys lost at the beach among kids who had been digging their way to China all afternoon. Someone told me they had seen some keys up on the path, so I went to see if they were still there but no luck. Aarahi was still at work (plus he had no car) so he was pretty useless. If he came after work it would take 2.5 hrs by public transport. With the last 5% battery on my phone I rang my uncle to see if he would go pick Aarahi's keys up from work and drive 40mins to come save me. So about an hour and a half later he arrived. The kids didn't even care about the prospect of being stuck at the beach until night time. Just as I was getting ready to drive away a group of teenage girls knocked on my window and said "um I think we have your keys". They had seen me looking earlier on but hadn't said anything. 

I also had to drive home on the free-way in crazy traffic since there had been an accident. SOOOOOOO not my favourite thing to do. I must have done ok though because no one beeped their horns at me. 

On Thursday we went to the park to do an art project with some homeschool friends. It was pretty windy so not the best weather for art projects but the kids really enjoyed it. After we went to Subway for dinner. Our local one does 2 for 1 between 5pm and 6pm. We arrived a little early so went through the car wash. I remember when I was little the car wash was a pretty awesome treat. Lili however was probably slightly traumatised by the experience as she has kept bringing it up about how scary it was. 

We had a Waitangi day party on Saturday and ate way too much bad food. Thank goodness it was fast Sunday the next day. We also played a few NZ themed games just to keep in the spirit of things. 

The kids have enjoyed learning about flags and which flags belong to which countries this past week. We started to receive the kids version of National Geographic this week and they have really enjoyed learning fun facts and bits and pieces about other places. The had a big write up on Malawi so we have done a fair bit of learning about what goes on there. 

In an hour we will be off to the park to Homeschool Co-op to build Fairy Houses (Auron and Lili both say they are going to make a lair and jail for their Lego guys and Shopkins).

This photo make me both happy and sad. They are both growing up so fast, especially Lili, she has shot up in the last couple of months and is quickly losing her baby looks and looking more like a big girl. 

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