Saturday 17 October 2015

The Week at Our House

It's been a quiet week for our little family. I we haven't really gotten out much. I think we were all in need of some down time. Aarahi was sick a couple of days and had one day off work. It was lovely having him home. The big kids and I went and did groceries together and picked out a Halloween costume for Ammon. He's going to be Buzz Lightyear. Super cute. They love coming to the shops because we usually get a special treat when we are finished. We try to take each of them out by themselves at least once a fortnight. Lili came with me earlier in the week to pick something up from Coles. While we were there she asked me if we could get a bubble machine. Knowing how much she loooooves bubbles we had a look and found one for $5. $5 well spent.

On the weekend we went and bought some seeds to plant. Auron has been all about growing plants and gardening lately....must be in the blood or something??? Aarahi however can't stand anything to do with gardening, too many years spent in the kumara patch as a child I suspect. Lili wanted to plant strawberry seeds but we compromised on buying actual plants instead, hoping we might have more luck. Unfortunately they are still not growing fast enough for her liking. Here's hoping we get more that $21 worth of strawberries out of them, because that's how much the plants were.

Ammon is such a mischief. He is in to EVERYTHING! and more importantly (for him anyway) he has figured out how to get Lili and Auron to do pretty much whatever he wants. In the mornings the kids are early birds usually waking up just before 6am. As for me, I don''t personally want to get up at that time. Auron usually comes in and gets my phone and iPad for him and Lili, and Lili then goes and gets some toys for Ammon to play with. Then they all go back to bed for another 30mins. It's lovely.

Lili had a rough day at church, everyone was touching her hair... Just so you know, she really really hates people touching her hair. I know its cute and all and it's really hard to resist pulling those little curls but please don't. It hurts her and makes her hate her hair which is really sad. Then after church she got her finger jammed in the chapel doors.

We had a singing practice for our Primary Presentation next month at the end Auron sung a solo of popcorn popping. It was super cute! He has got the sweetest little spirit. I love his little child like faith. He is working hard to memorise the Articles of Faith and our weekly family scripture. So far he has 5 versus memorised. We are really enjoying all the new questions he has. The other day he asked me where babies come from. I told him they come from Mummies tummies when they have husbands. Later I heard him tell Lili that when she gets a husband she's going to get fat.

Aarahi gave a wonderful talk today on the Resurrection of Christ. He always gives wonderful talks, Ilove hearing him speak. Unfortunately my children weren't the most well behaved today and I struggled to hear the whole talk.

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