Thursday, 8 June 2017

San Diego and Heading Home

San Diego and Going Home

Now it's my turn to get sick. I knew when I woke up in the morning that I wasn't feeling too great but hoped it would subside. We made the 3 ½ hour trip to San Diego and I slept most of the way. I was really excited to visit the Mormon Battalion Museum but by the time we got there I was barely able to walk so Aarahi took the kids and I stayed in the car and tried to sleep. The kids loved it, and got to mine for gold. I REALLY wish I wasn't sick because there was so much we wanted to do, however we headed straight for the hotel where I promptly vomited as soon as we walked in the door. It was a rough night.
The next morning I was feeling better and feeling very grateful since we were flying home later that night. We spent the morning shopping at another huge book store and spending the rest of our cash on American candy.
Auron had seen a really neat place he wanted to visit where they made cookie and ice cream sandwiches. Everyone loved them and we all thanked Auron for telling us about such an awesome place. Auron always finds really awesome places for us to visit. He see's them on YouTube then writes them down for us to look at. 

Late afternoon we got back in the car and headed towards LA. We stopped off at the Los Angeles Temple to kill some time. It looks like the NZ temple only wider. There was a couple there doing engagement looked a little more than G rated lol we tooted at them as we drove past. 

Our last meal in America was revolting. So revolting that we couldn’t even eat it.
When we dropped off the rental car they were so efficient it was so quick that I wasn't prepared to say goodbye to our car. It's so lame how attached you can get to something in such a short amount of time. But they just took it away before I could even come to terms with what was happening! Our holiday was finally over.

We had some bag reorganising to do at the airport as one of our bags was close to 40kg over the limit. The flight home was long and uncomfortable. The kids did well but it still wasn't fun. Ammon accidentally wiped the itunes library on the ipad just before take off and he could no longer watch his beloved PJ Masks. We were so happy to finally get back to our pig sty of a house. For the next few days we recovered from jet lag. Often waking up at 3-4am. The next week had us trying to unpack which we still haven't fully completed. Time to face reality again!  

So what is next?

It was an incredible adventure and I am so grateful that I got to do it with my favourite people. It was not cheap, it was a lot of planning and stress especially buying and building a house at the same time. It is not easy taking 3 kids on a big overseas holiday especially while pregnant but oh my goodness it was worth it a million times over! I am so thankful and blessed that we are able to amazing things like this and to take our kids along on our adventures. We know most people wont get to experience many of these things in their life time and we don't take these experiences for granted.

So where to now? Right now we are getting ready to welcome our new baby in a couple of weeks. (should start getting a bit more organised!)  We are trying to decide on where to go next year, we are tossing up between Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa or somewhere more local. We are planning to be home in New Zealand for Christmas next year or around then anyway.  After that we have big plans for Queensland, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and Bali in 2019.

Now that we have our own house and have finished baby making we are ready to take on something new so who knows where that will take us in the next 5 years. There is a whole wide world we want to explore and we are ready and waiting to take it well as doing all the normal things like paying the mortgage and cooking dinner etc

Brownie, cookie dough icecream, dipped in M &M's

Choc chip cookie, monster icecream, dipped in M & M's

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