I will just preface this by saying to those who receive this by email, you may get a few over the next week while I try to get everything blogged. Sorry.
Holiday 2017 – Cruise
The week leading up to our much
anticipated holiday was unblievably busy and stress inducing. I don't
think I have ever been so highly strung in my life. Lets just say
it's a miracle we all made it out the other side half sane.
Our final house payment cleared on the
Monday which allowed us to collect our keys to our brand new, not a
mark on the wall house on Tuesday morning. Ammon intitated it into
the family by wiping his pizza fingers along those pristine walls. It
was only a matter of time, it is truly a family house now, and no
longer show home condition.
On wedneday morning we had an
ultrasound for the new baby and got to find out what we were having.
A GIRL. Lili is pretty excited. Everything looks good which is a
always a relief. This pregnancy has been completely different to any
other pregnancy and has had me worried more times that I can even
count. After the ultrasound we started to move house. It was a long
and very hot day. I had a hospital appointment at 6pm for the new
baby, I had only 20mins to make a 45min drive to the hospital in rush
hour traffic. I should mention the petrol light started flashing on
the freeway. I have a phobia of filling up the petrol and was praying
the I could get there and back without having to do it but no such
luck. I actually made the appointment on time through some miracle.
The hospital is so lovely, I feel so blessed that we are position
this time to be able to afford to go private, especially being our
last baby. I got home around 9pm and Aarahi was still not finished.
He arrived with the missionaries and last truck load at around
On Thursday we were heading back to
return the truck when our car broke down and had to be towed to the
mechanic. It is about time it had a trip on a tow truck, we have
really been testing fate on that one. I waited with the car and kids
while Aarahi returned the truck and picked up the only hire car they
had available. A massive SUV. We spent the day cleaning the old house
best we could. The thing with the old house is that even when it is
clean is still doesn't look clean. I don't know if we will get all
our bond back but at this stage I really don't care. Teuila and her
Boyfriend were visiting Melbourne so I picked them up from the train
to have dinner with us. During that process I decided I really don't
want a giant SUV which is what we had been planning on buying in the
near future. Aarahi thinks I just need more time to adjust. He was
quite smitten with it.
Friday we had carpet cleaners coming to
do the carpets at the old house. Unfortuately when Aarahi arrived to
let them in they had already been and gone...without cleaning the
carpets. So I had to try organise someone else to come VERY last
minute to do them. I found someone but the also charged double the
price. I have been pretty much throwing money away at this point so
this didn't even surprise me. Aarahi dropped off the rental car and
picked up our poor car from the mechanics $500 later.
On Saturday we did our last minute
holiday shopping before returning home to try do some sorting out.
Did you notice that we hadn't unpacked at all yet?? I still have no
idea where anything is and the house looks like it has probably been
robbed. There is stuff EVERYWHERE. We finally finished packing for
holiday at midnight, and gave up on trying to get the house in any
kind of order.
The flight was pretty uneventful.
Aarahi gave it a 8/10 for flights taken with kids. Everyone slept
several hours each. Our kids have flown since they were tiny babies
so thankfully they are used to it and it's no big deal to them
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Lili and her favourite temple we visited. St George |
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