Tuesday, 2 May 2017



We are starting to really feel the effect of American food now. Everyone is craving veges and fruit and our digestives systems are probably not coping the best. Also feeling pretty gross all around. We went to Walmart the night before but still everything even the fruit had preservatives, sugar and extra “good stuff” added.
Today was also Ammon's day to be sick. We all get sick on this trip, slowly one by one. We were about 10mins down the road on the way to Universal studios when Ammon vomited all through the car and all over his clothes. Being the organised mother that I am, I had no spare clothes for him. I did however have Auron's togs and a towel in the boot for the water park they had at Universal Studios. So we cleaned him up put Auron's togs on him, rubbed his tummy with some essential oils, shake some more oil around the car to drown out the smell and we are off again. He vomited a couple more times but Auron managed to catch it with a bag. I knew he wasn't proper sick just tired, terrible food and likely drinking the tap water. He was fine in the end and was back to himself by the time we arrived.
When we arrived we stopped at the candy store which was on Lili's list of things to do. She wanted to go to this specific one to buy a Gummy Pizza. Which she found. We also bought Ammon a new teeshirt since the vomiting incident ruined his and he was just wearing a too big jersey. He looked pretty unkept...
First things first we headed to Harry Potter! Auron got to go to Olivanders and get his wand. He felt very important and special. The wand he got was able to do actual magic in certain places which he got a real kick out of. Daddy took the kids on some of the big rides. Being pregnant put a bit of a dampener on the whole theme park experience for me. But I still went on a few of the mild rides. While they were riding Ammon and I got Butterbeers which we all decided were really gross. They were unbearably sweet. But we have learnt Americans really love sugar. So maybe if you are from there you would like it much more. I'm glad we only bought 2 to share.
We visited Minion land which was Ammon's highlight. It was also our favourite ride. We got to ride it a few times. Auron and Aarahi rode Jurassic Park and a few others. We also LOVED the studio tour. It was amazing. The special effects they show you were super cool. Auron was excited to see where and how they made the Spiderman movies. Lili and Ammon just loved being apart of the special effects which they were convinced were all for real. I wish we had time to go again but unfortunately the park was closing. On our way out we got a donut from Lard Lads donuts (From the Simpsons?) also on the kids food wish list. I didn't eat any but the kids said it was good.
Once we left the park Aarahi had the fun task of driving through downtown LA at night. We found a Whole Foods supermarket which was a Godsend on this trip. We stocked up on normal cereal, fruits, veges, and milk that just had milk in it. They also had a wonderful salad bar which we frequented many times over the following few weeks.

So that ends our day at Universal Studios. Tomorrow we visit American Girl Doll, LA Farmers Market and Madam Tussauds  

Not too many photos today, we were too busy having fun and making memories

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