We took a break to digest before moving on to cooking lunch/dinner. I even played cards, shock horror yes I know. Those in my immediate family know that I do not play card games or board games with out much force and coercion.
The children enjoyed their gifts. Auron's favourite was a bunch of action figures I bought second hand. Lili's favourite was a Shopkins House Auron bought for her. Ammon didn't really care much about anything other than stuffing his face.
Aarahi is still getting pummelled with work since there is have of his team away on holiday. On New Years Eve they worked 13 hours but still didn't finish so they just left it and decided they would rather just come in on Saturday instead. So he worked another 7 hours on Saturday. Thankfully next year we will be in Queensland for Christmas and New Years so it will be someone else's problem!
For New Years we stayed home and played party games, watched movies and made a 10pm dash to McDonald's before Daddy and Ammon fell asleep. The big kids and I made it to midnight where we lit our sparklers and watched fireworks out the front door.
On New Years Day we went out for breakfast then headed out to the beach. We went looking for a decent beach but were pretty disappointed even though we actually drove almost 2hours to get there! The township was actually very similar to the Mount but the beach left much to be desired. Oh well. What made up for it was the SERVICE CENTRES! oh how I love me a good Service Centre. There aren't very many of them in NZ but lots here. They are like stops along the road with restaurants, playground, petrol stations, snack shops, fruit stands etc. I really love them. Aarahi thinks I'm a bit crazy. It was really just nice to get out of the city, you don't realise what a busy, noisy, hectic life you live until you leave the city.
Atleast no one can see me on here haha