We started back at home school work this week. This is our first official year so to speak as Auron should be starting primary school. In Fact the school we would have sent him to had to be evacuated on Friday due to a bomb threat. Things like that weren't the reason we chose to keep our kids home but it sure does make me happy. Auron is doing Math U See Alpha, All About Reading L1, Lili is doing All About Reading Pre-Reading and they are both doing Latter Day Learning's curriculum for the remaining subjects. I think their favourite subject so far in History. Each night Auron gets out his folder and gives us a lesson on what he has learnt that day. It always amazes me how much they manage to retain. Both Lili and Auron are really enjoying learning about counties at the moment. The have a map and a globe that they can find about 10 or so countries on (although Lili calls the USA, Minions Country)
Aarahi gets to be Big Boss Man at work for the next month while the actual boss is away. He said he has enjoyed getting the learn how to do something different, we shall see how the next month goes! BUT after that month we are going on holiday!
Teina is home from the hospital, he still looks a bit Hoppy Duck but his legs are arm work again and he can taste a few things but his face is still droopy on one side. Mum said hopefully that will keep the girls at bay for awhile haha. In all serious though, we just hope he's not stuck like that forever. He spent his 15th birthday in hospital and couldn't even taste the special birthday food he requested, and Claire dropped his cake. Mum thought it was about time to "give her a chance" and then she let her walk the stairs with the cake. See obviously spending 2 weeks in hospital has damaged Mum's mental capacity somewhat.
Mum is also FINALLY getting the new carpet for our family home that she has been waiting to get for....probably 10 years. But there has always been the problem of KEVIN. You would think he would be able to control a cup by now but sadly he is pretty usless and it is probably the one area he falls short in being "kevin from Heaven" and the "Golden Child" who can do no wrong. He is a chronic drink/food/wax/anything that stains spiller. But Mum has this new carpet that has like Lino or something covering the wool? I don't really know but it doesn't stain. I am sure Kevin will give it a run for it's money.
As you can see not much happened in our life this week so you got to hear about my family's life back in NZ. Trust me there is never a dull day in that house!
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Look at that poor Hoppy Duck boy |
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The kids love Lego. They can play for hours and hours. |
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We found YELLOW watermelon at Safeway this week. It was our special grocery treat. The kids say it tastes just the same. |