After a LONG 5 weeks in New Zealand the kids and I are finally back in Melbourne. Can I just say I am SO happy to be home! Happy to be in my own house, doing my normal things, cooking dinner for my Mr Wonderful and getting my normal back.
On our last week in NZ the house cam down with a bug. It started on Monday with my little brother coming home sick from school with gastro, the next day my little sister then during dinner the next night my other brother threw up all over the dining room floor. It was at this time I forbid anyone who was remotely sick from coming within 5m of my kids! I also got some Detol spray and sanitised the entire house. Mum got sick Friday, me on Saturday and Lili and Ammon started on Sunday night. Lili was still having issues right up to 20 mins before we boarded the plane Monday night.
Now for the flight home...yes we looked quite a sight I am sure. People thinking who is that crazy lady taking 3 little kids on the plane by herself. The experience wasn't bad at all really, but not something I want to have to repeat again. I don't think I will know myself when I fly without the kids.....ill have a sleep, watch movies, eat hot food nice and slow, with two hands even. Oh and when I use the bathroom there will only be me in there not 3 other little people! Yes that sounds like heaven.
We took a few days to recover a little by just staying in our pj's and watching movies all day. The kids always struggle with the time difference when we return. They are usually fine going places but coming back is when it hits them. Auron is still recovering and slept until 1130am today. On Thursday we got back into school work and started reading our new book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which the kids are really enjoying.
Yesterday we went for a drive out to where our house is being built. It was exciting to see all the progress on the estate. 4 months ago there were no houses built now there are close to 80 or so finished or almost finished. They have also done all the landscaping so its really all coming together.
Please excuse the huge photo dump,
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