My new passport arrived today, but still waiting on Ammon's. I was a bit sad to retire my old one, it has so many stamps and memories to go a long with it. Plus I had the number memorised! I am sure with the plans we have for the next 5 years this passport will get a good work out too.
The kids are still enjoying their Space theme. Auron has several of the Planets memorised and knows a few facts about them. Even Aarahi and I are learning new things! One day last week Auron asked "If we live on Earth, where does Nana and Nanny Kaye live?" He thinks maybe Neptune. Today we learnt about Rockets and all the different parts. The kids have just finished painting the body tube for their rockets we are making
On Friday Aarahi and I have date night where we get the kids into bed extra early and have a special dinner by ourselves. This week I made pork ribs....they were SO GOOD. I also made this delicious cake. Mud cake on the bottom and chocolate mousse on the top. The next day Lili came out of the kitchen with chocolate all over her face. I knew exactly where she had been! She says to me "oh my goodness, silly me I ate the cake" Aarahi and I have be bought to tears of laughter each time we bring it up. LAter that evening I see Lili sneaking into the fridge again, she had no idea I was watching her and I hear her talking to herself while digging chocolate mouse off the cake "whoops there I go again, I ate the cake". Life is never dull around here.
Oh wait, more of Lili's antics! Yesterday at church I was busy talking with someone after church about primary stuff when Lili needed to go toilet. I asked Auron to take her. All was well she came back all happy. Later on we get home and she is hanging upside down on the couch with her dress over her head BUTT NAKED! Aarahi asked her where her underwear was "oh my goodness silly me, left it at church"
Well that's it for now. Hopefully I gave yo a few laughs for the week.
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Making space ships out of our "space playdoh" |
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Oh my goodness Ammon needs to stop growing up so fast! |
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School work is a family thing around here! |
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Signed sealed delivered...all four copies! |
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