So Nanny Kaye has gone home, Aarahi is back at work and the kids and I are tying to find our normal again. We are hoping to keep things a bit quiet for a few weeks, lately it feels like we have been haemorrhaging money. Nothing unexpected and all planned for but it's still annoying. We had our car serviced last week. Aarahi had prepared me for the worst so I was pleasantly surprised with only a $600 bill. Apparently it drives a lot better but I can't tell the difference so that shows how much I know.
Yesterday we had a lesson on "Choosing the Right" for Family Home Evening. All day today Auron and Lili have been telling each other off for not "choosing the right" It was a horrible day yesterday so I am a little amused and surprised that they even remembered anything from our lesson. Just goes to show that even when they are hanging upside down on the couches and being unbearably irreverent, that they really are taking it all in.
I caught the Family History bug and started to look into my Family History yesterday. My Mum and I had done a bit when I was younger but nothing since. Turns out someone else had done a lot of it for me and I just a few puzzle pieces to put together which I could easily do from the knowledge I already had written down. What was the most fascinating discovery was that my Mum and I weren't the first members in our family. Way back in the 1800's and many great great grandparents ago some long lost grandma joined the church a long with several of her children. One of which crossed the plains with the pioneers. Who would have guessed?! I thought it was all a bit too good to be true but they more I looked into it the more legitimate it looked. The person who had done all the research had added photos and birth/death/marriage certificates and other really neat journal pages etc. One of the uncles looks just like my cousin Dylan, guess those genes are strong!
The kids have been begging me for more school work. I try to do at least an hour of focused time each day with them but apparently that isn't enough for them. Today we have done two hours and they are already asking to do more after lunch. Maybe I will just rotate the books in the book box so they have something new to read. That should keep them happy for awhile anyway!
Look how much my chunky monkey has grown! |
Post-church shenanigans |
This is Auron's favourite part of school time. He tries to race Lili to finish. Lili is more interested in just tracing her hands though |
Making graphs. This new activity was a hit, we will probably do it again today and see if we get a different result |
Rachel Collard and her Brother Conelius. Does't he look just like Dylan?! |
Love reading these Candice! :D big loves to you all! Xoxoxoxoxo Malama :)