This is a busy week in my family, and always will be. To start the week Monday was our wedding anniversary, yey for 3 years! it really doesn't seem that long but my gosh it seems like a life time. We have done a lot in the past 3 years. Gotten married, moved countries, moved states, had two kids, traveled overseas and all the other stuff that comes in between. It has been three of the hardest but the best three years of my life. I am married to my best friend, and he really is the best husband out there, well the best husband for me anyway. I remember Mum telling me that her and my "other mothers" Teri and Mel were discussing what kinda of husband I needed. They decided I would probably need someone who would "tell me how it is" oh how wrong they were. Aarahi is lovely and sweet and lets me do whatever I want.
This week is also my sisters wedding anniversary, tehy got married a year before us, and were sealed in the temple the same week as us. Talking of temples this is also the week that most of my siblings and I were sealed to our parents three years ago. This week is also our dad's 'deathday' he passed away from a sudden massive heart attack a couple of days after my sisters wedding. Last but not least it is also my little brother Teina's 12th birthday. For a LDS boy turning 12 is a big deal. He will receive the Aaronic priesthood. This is very special and he will have the opportunity to serve the sacrament and attend the temple. He also moves up into the youth program at church.
For our anniiversary, we started out with going to a funeral for one of the members of our ward. It was really nice to be there. It was a small and simple service but so sweet. After the service was over and we had finished talking to everyone we headed across the road for subway, as it was now 1pm and neither of us had eaten yet because we were in such a rush to get to the funeral. Aarahi pretty much rushed home from work came inside threw a shirt and tie on and we got back in the car. While we were sitting in there eating our lunch Aarahi's Aunty Jenny walked passed, so we called out to her and she joined us for a little bit. We got home about 2pm and everyone except me went and had naps, I watched a documentry about the Amish, but more on that another day. We made a gingerbread house when everyone woke up, then out to dinner.
It seemed like it was Family Home Evening at the restaurant as there were a number of other member families there too. Our dinner was anything but a simple anniversary dinner where we could sit and talk. They seated us right next to the play area, so Auron made a bee line straight for it as soon as he finished eating and that was the end of us being able to eat together. Haha we said next year we need to find a babysitter! Actually next year we will be in New Zealand so I'm planning to leave the kids with someone and we are going away for the night! The night ended with a trip to the supermarket for nappies...confirmation that we do indeed have children and we are no longer the carefree duo we were three years ago. But we wouldn't have it any other way.
For those who get this in your emails. there is a video on the blog website if you want to watch the address is
This is my Little brother Teina when he was little and cute , my cousin Georgia |
My sister Ellie and our Dad on her wedding day a couple of days before he passed away |
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Our wedding day |
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