Monday, 12 March 2012

Labour Weekend!

This was a long weekend, for some reason Victoria has pretty much all its holidays at the start of the year. None the less it has been lovely. Aarahi worked a few hours on Saturday but had today off. We had a ward activity down at the park by our house which started at 8am, Aarahi and Auron went down on time yet I stayed home and had a sleep in as Auron had been awake most of the night for some reason. He's been sleeping through the night for the past month but the last two nights have been terrible. Anyway when I finally made it down to the park it was full of people they had sports organised, not just your ordinary touch and volleyball but some other cool ones that involved all the kids as well. The food was cooking away on the BBQ and it smelt AMAZING, probably more so as I hadn't eaten breakfast. The activity ended with lunch of sausages, chicken, salads and cakes for dessert. Everyone seemed to have a really good time, and we were blessed with a beautiful day, which believe it or not has been a bit hit and miss here all summer.

Earlier this weekend we attempted to go to the movies to see the Hunger Games but once we made the made rush to get ready and get there on time (it was a last minute idea) we got to the counter and realised it doesnt come out til next week. I must've read the session times for next week. So we went to pick out some birthday presents for Auron instead I cant believe he is going to be one in two weeks! I was also feeling lazy so we picked up some Chinese takeaway for dinner and headed home for a lazy night of dvd's.

Auron LOVES usb's at the moment he will spend hours...not even exaggerating, trying to put them into the hole in the computer. You can't even try and help him a little without him bursting into tears. He so far hasnt managed it yet, but I'm sure one day he will get it!

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