It has been awhile. Life is busy and we just got back from holiday. I will probably try split the last few weeks up into a couple of posts. One now and one later in the week sometime when I find a few spare minutes.
A few weekends ago now Auron and Lili took part in a Army mud run event called Kiddy Hawke. It was an event to raise funds for Autism. So on the morning before we left for Sydney we packed the kids up and headed out to the venue. Lili had to wear Auron's clothes because she doesn't own any pants and only has tights that I don't really like her wearing just by themselves. She thought she looked pretty fantastic. Now with our kids you really have no idea what you are going to get. They surprise us all the time. Our suspicions before we started the course would be that Auron would love it but Lili would be a little more reserved. Oh how wrong were we!
Lili was right in there, giving it her all. She crawled under the barbed wire (yes REAL barbed wire), climbed the hurdles ran up the hills and was not one bit scared. Auron on the other hand...cried at the first challenge (doing star jumps), then continued to sulk most of the way through until Aarahi took him aside and had a talk with him about having a good attitude and trying our best even though we might not be perfect. After that the tears dried up and he gave it his best shot. By the time the got to the end they were both covered in mud and had the time of their lives. What's better than swimming in a pool of mud up to your waist?
We came home and hosed everyone off, and I went to pick up something for lunch. Little did I realise that I was still covered in mud all over my legs. No one said anything to me but I did get some strange looks. I had to check if I had toilet paper or something hanging out my skirt of something.
The next morning we left home at 530am to catch our flight to Sydney. Auron's comments on the flight sum up our experience pretty well "I hate Jetstar, let's not do that again" It wasn't actually too bad but our kids have become airline snobs. We just felt like we were crammed in like a pack of sardines. Auron was upset there was no free food...not that he even eats the airline food we he does get it.
Once we arrived in Sydney we dropped our bags at the hotel and walked down to Circular Quay where the Harbour Bridge and Opera House are. We stopped for some delicious icecreams and milkshakes and had a look around before heading back to have a much needed rest. We had a fantastic hotel with two rooms and two TV's.