Sunday, 29 November 2015

Primary Presentation 2015

On Monday we met up with Sarah and her kids at the shopping centre to get some Santa photo's. We don't really do Santa but tell our kids that it is always fun to enjoy the magic and imagination that Santa brings. I had to have a little talk to Auron before we left so that he didn't tell his cousin. The kids were super cute and we had a nice Santa. We also scored a 50% coupon for frozen yoghurt so I managed to buy 3 big bowls full for $6, cheap treat for the kids.

The last few nights Ammon has be refusing to eat dinner. The last few nights Ammon has slept 7pm-7am without waking. I don't know if there is any link but I really just can't work the kid out. Aarahi and I have been sleeping so well that we stayed up til midnight watching Netflix. Oh my gosh how good was that!!!!!!!!! We need something new to watch, we just finished Last Man Standing and Psych.

On Saturday Aarahi has some friends over to play Risk. Seriously boring stuff in my opinion. I took the kids to my cousins and we had a baking day. Unfortunately by the time we finished we didn't want to eat any of it because we spent to much time taste testing as we went. Cookie dough is so good! When I got back home my house smelt like stinky boys.

Yesterday the kids had their primary presentation at church. They both did well, Lili kept asking for another turn with the microphone and if she could say the closing prayer. I'm glad they aren't afraid of public speaking. At the start of the presentation I had 13 3/4 year olds I was watching. By the end of it there we probably 6 left sitting up on the stand. It was HARD work. I had kids saying "I don't like her, I don't want to sit there" "I'm going to to be sick" "Im tired" "Sis Matthews he's saying bad words""hey he's stabbing me!" "ew I can feel you breathing" also by the end 4 of those 4 kids were fast asleep and yes we were sitting in the front row. It must have been good entertainment for the congregation. Afterwards we had photos then went to watch a movie and eat some yummy snacks. Those snacks never tasted so good.

People keep telling me that these two look the same so we took a photo to compare. Two cool dudes!

Renee has taught Auron the art of selfies. This is only one of probably 50 they took

Sunday, 22 November 2015

That Time ALL the Toilets Were Blocked

Another week over and a new one about to start. We had home school group on Monday. We were a full hour late since I have to wait for Aarahi to finish work so I can use the car. He is still working tonnes of overtime. Thank goodness only another month or so of that left. As soon as Christmas is over work will slow down.
After our meeting some of us went to Lego club, I picked up my nephew Izayah along the way. My cousin warned me that he would probably need to go toilet (he has a history of holding it in then bursting, even when you try to make him go) So we get to the library and the kids finish their work and of course Izayah now wants to go toilet just as they are ready to do their presentations. We rush to find the toilets....ALL OUT OF ORDER!!!!!! not even joking. The whole complex. Our closest toilet was over at the shopping centre. I tell the kids we need to go and Auron kicks up a stink because he was next to present to the class, but Izayah is hopping around grabbing his crutch like a lunatic. Thankfully the librarian comes over and says quick just let him go in the blocked toilet. Phew crisis averted albeit disgusting but little boys don't care. We get back just in time to hear Auron speaking to the class.
I have continued my cleaning. Aarahi took about 5 bags of clothes and blankets to the charity bins yesterday. Sorted out the kids clothes, and bagged up all the ones that don't fit, and then moved them all out into the garage. I donated Aarahi's favourite church shirt without telling him. I felt guilty the whole day. All I could think was "I can't believe I am turning into my mother" because this is totally something she would do. I remember her disappearing a decent amount of clothes she didn't like, such one of Alby's hideous shirt (we were all with her on that one) and some of my sister's "hoochy" shorts that barely covered her to see you try wear those now Eleanor! Turns out he didn't really care that much about the shirt.
Yesterday Auron and I went to give blood. Well I gave the blood he was just there to watch. He loved it and told the nurses all the things he had learnt. They were great with him, asking him questions and really making him think. I got a bit faint after it was all over so had to wait awhile for my blood pressure to go back up. While we waited we played games, Auron really likes the rhyming game, it reminds me of playing with Teina in the car when he was the same age...even at almost 15 it's probably still his favourite car game.  All in all it was a good experience rounding up all our learning about blood.
At church the kids practised for the Primary Presentation. I left Ammon down asleep in his pram while I was up on the stand with the kids. I watched these two little girls push him around until he woke up then play with him for about half an hour. I had no idea who these girls were as they aren't in our ward. Then they asked their Aunty if they could get him out, she was like "who's baby do you think that is?" they thought it was her baby I saw them laughing about it. I didn't care I was just happy that someone was looking after him. He then got passed around a few other people the rest of the day, he ended up hanging out with Bishop in his office by the end of the day. Already having to visit Bishop's office and not even one yet!

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Planning and Cleaning and Planning Some More

LAst week was the week I said no more to the junk! Our house is very quickly becoming too small for us. There is so much inside such a small house that it feels like I am surrounded my "stuff" So I started with the dining room and pulled out EVERYTHING and threw away probably 80% of what was on drawers and on shelves and in boxes. I went through the kids school boxes and tossed pretty much everything except a few special pieces of work. After the dining room looked nice and empty I moved into the lounge and repeated the process. Lili was no help, she's a hoarder and wants to keep every tiny scrap. Auron on the other hand I put to work sorting out dvd's and books. 5 hours later it was like a new house. My goal is to get the whole house emptied out before the end of the year. I am not exactly sure where I am going to put all the rubbish though...

It was definitely a sorting out week last week. I managed to finish planning the whole school year out. Next year is the first year Auron is actually supposed to be in school. Since he has tested out of both of the first level of Math and Language Arts curriculum that we have I am just waiting on the new materials to arrive in time (hopefully) for January when we start again. We have a 6 week on 2 week off routine going from end of January to start of December and only working from Monday - Thursday with Friday reserved for going places/catching up/service projects etc

Along with the planning theme of the week I priced out our trip to the USA which is in a little over a year. We are going with my parents and younger siblings. Planning is always the key! We don't use credit to pay for our holidays so I need to have every dollar planned down to the cent and start looking for deals at least a year out and then have everything except spending money paid for in full before stepping foot on that plane. It adds a little more pressure when you are spending your parents money too. My mum offered to take the kids back to Melbourne for us so we could go to Mexico for a week too. I laugh a slightly evil laugh as I imagine her taking three little kids on the plane. It's not for the faint hearted I tell you. I am well practised at flying with kids but for someone with no experience....and taking my little sister Claire also (she's a bit nuts) I think my Mum may need another holiday.

Aarahi's picked his funeral songs this week. It's depressing, he bought them on iTunes and wants to listen to them all the time and then make me listen to them. I don't know why he would want me to be contemplating his funeral but should anyone want to know he wants Goodnight My Angel by The Men of the Tabernacle Choir and some other song they sing that sounds like Lord of the Rings. I think its called Homeward Bound or something like that.

On Friday night Aarahi and I went to stay at a hotel in the city for the night.It was an early birthday present for Aarahi since December is just crazy busy. When I booked it I thought it was a great idea to have a kid free night away. However the closer it got the more apprehensive I got. The night before I ended up bringing Lili in to sleep with us, just because I was feeling a little sooky about leaving my babies. They were fine and didn't even care that we left them. I was okay too once I finally was able to walk out the door and leave Ammon with my cousin.

We had dinner at the night markets. Then went to the hotel and ordered room service for dessert. It was SUPER flash (read ridiculously small and insanely expensive)

We must not forget the biggest news of the week! Ammon is a walking boy! And yes this new found skill has been used to torture Lili immensely.

I have no new photos this week so enjoy one of a baby Auron

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Lili is THREE

I'm getting behind again! I have spent a lot of time writing up the kids individual blogs that the last thing I really feel like doing at the moment is writing more. I am trying to finish their blogs so I can make them into books when the year ends and I have a LOT to catch up 20 posts each that I have started but not finished.

Last week we celebrated Lili's 3rd birthday! I know everyone says it but I can't believe how fast they grow up. The night before her birthday I had a little cry to Aarahi that she was growing up too fast, and that soon she would be 30. He laughed and me and told me "Darling, we aren't even 30 yet" But I am sure if you asked our Mum's they would say just the same.

Lili has been our hardest child, pushed us to our limits. Literally from the day she was born she was the WORST sleeper! I looked at Aarahi a month or so ago and said "I can't believe we made it through that" BUT even though she has been our hardest she has brought us the most incredible about of joy. There is something about her that can just make you melt. She is so full of love, forgiveness. Oh boy I am so thankful for her ability to forgive. Sometimes I have not been the most patient with her but she never holds it against me. I am forever apologising to her for not being understanding or taking the time to giver her what she needs. Lili confident, she knows what she wants and there is not persuading her otherwise. She loves to learn and has the most incredible imagination. I love that I get to spend all day listening to her little stories and games she has going on with her toys. She love Auron, they are each others best friends. If we go out anywhere without Auron she always wants to make sure we have something to take home for him. Ammon on the other hand....she wants us to take him back. I don't blame her. It seems Ammon's mission in life is to bug the heck out of her from the moment he gets up until the moment he goes to sleep. He bites her feet, pulls her hair, steals her toys, generally mauls her. She spends a good deal of time in the middle of the kitchen table playing because that's the only place he can't reach her. No kidding though, he love loves loves to annoy her, probably because he gets the best reaction from her high pitch screaming "Ammon's getting me AGAAAAAIN" Lili love primary and to sing, and memorise scriptures. She is determined to keep up to Auron and loves to correct people if they get their verse wrong.

For her birthday we went out for dinner with friends. She also came with me earlier in the day to pick out decorations for her cake. For the last few months shes wanted a minion cake but changed her mind last minute for a Peppa Pig cake. We had a little party with her cousins on the Friday and ate cake and swam in the pool.

Oh goodness let me tell you about the swim in the pool. So after an hour or so everyone decided to get out. It was nearing 5pm and getting cold. I get Lili out first and take her togs off. She makes a mad dash for this bucket next to the pool. She then proceeds to squat down and pee into the bucket! We were all just staring gob smacked. Ohhhhh but that's not the best part! She gets up and puts her twel around her, then Izayah comes running around the corner and jumps into the pee filled bucket. Then Hale pee'd on the side of the pool. I don't know what was up with Lili because since then she has pee'd in and empty bath and pooped in the shower with both her and Auron in it. Why you may ask? Because I like too was what she said.....

Today Lili and I went Peppa Pig live on stage and the theatre. She was in heaven! After we left she cried because it was over and while we walked back to the train she told me thank you so much Mummy I love being with you and going to do special things. I love that kids so much!

Auron and Aarahi and Ammon went to a  Lego exhibition too. They had a lot of fun.

Before I end today I really must say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped us to raise our beautiful little girl. A special mention to a few, Mum, Nana, Aunty Mel, Sotarah, The Kayrooz Family, Marcelle, Sarah, and Nanny Kaye. Thank you for you love and devotion that you give to our little princess. We are so thankful for all you do along with the rest of our lovely extended family and friends.

Birthday Girl. Note that her top matches her cake...complete coincidence 

Cutes baby Elephant

Dressed up for the All Blacks Win. Ammon had an All Blacks top on too, but it was hard enough getting a photo with two kids looking at a camera...this was take 300000000000

The cake that drove me crazy because Lili and Auron insisted they help. She cried when I told her we ate it all, sobbed her little heart to sleep about her cake being all gone and whyt did we eat it??? 

Waiting for the show to start

Lili loved her first theatre experience. We will be definitely be going again for sure 

The kids have loved the Dolls house that Bishops family kindly donated. Complete with dolls "Great! Finally some boy dolls"' is what Auron said.

We picked up a box of delicious cupcakes from a little shop in one of  Melbourne's  famous lane ways to take home for Daddy and Auron. 

Auron LOVED halloween. Here he is with his Girlfriend Renee. Too bad she is secretly taken. We just wont tell Auron that.  

Best part of the Lego exhibit Auron said, and the huge HULK. 

See Look how fast she grows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30 in no time.