Monday, 26 October 2015

A Bit of This and a Bit of That

I have been delving into more of my family history this past week and cam eup with a few little surprises. One of my great great great....uncles helped to build the Manti temple. He was also choir director for 25 years... have no idea what choir but unfortunately his obvious musical ability did not make it this far down the generations. Hopefully we will be able to go visit the Manti temple when we are over there in 2017. 

We got the title transfer for our land in the mail today. I doubt it will title at the end of December like it is supposed to (was really meant to be August) but whatever. It will happen when it happens. It will just sit there increasing in value, while we keep saving like crazy people. We don't have to pay the remaining of our deposit until it titles so the more money we have the better. Luckily for us it is already worth more than we owe which is nice. Two of Aarahi work mates are building on the same street as us which will be convenient for carpooling at 4am...Hopefully they will be able to keep each other awake. I am so looking forward to living out in the country a bit. The drive out to where we are building is beautiful especially in spring time. Lovely tree lined roads and kangaroos and animals in the paddocks. The area is set for a huge amount of development so no doubt in 10 years time it will look a whole lot different. 

Our TV broke last week. I was a sad time. Especially for Aarahi who wanted to watch the All Blacks game. It was even sadder for me when it cost twice as much as first thought to fix it. I run a tight ship with out finances and things like this really really annoy me. If it's not one thing it's another right? Aarahi has a ridiculous amount of leave and RDO's so he got one of those paid out so as to not disrupt the fine balance I have going on.

I lost Ammon this week. I thought he was in the bedroom where the kids were playing. They came out and I asked where Ammon was. "I dunno?" I looked everywhere couldn't find him. Finally looked outside in the back yard and there he was laying down in a big puddle splashing away in the rain. I'm not sure how he got out there, probably followed Auron or Lili out there. He was not happy when I bought him back inside. 

Aarahi and I bought some Book of Mormon Study Guides that we are LOVING. It has been the favourite part of my day for the past week. Our scripture study has been sporadic at best since having kids. Let's be honest once you get the kids into bed all you really want to do is sit in silence and peace without someone yelling your name every 20secs. Yet this past week we have quickly got the kids into bed as fast as we can so we can do our scriptures together. They would be great for teenagers and adults alike. If you are intersted you can find them at

In a couple of weeks we are celebrating Aarahi's birthday a bit early because December is already crazy enough. We are going away for the night CHILDFREE. I am still not sure how I feel about it. I am kind of excited but apprehensive. I think it will be weird, but we have lots of nice things planned and Aarahi is super exited about it. 

Well it's 5pm and Aarahi just got home from work. It's been a long day. His work is moving accross the road to a new facility and he got the "honour" of being the moving crew haha. 

Quick take a photo of me

Lili wanted to feed Ammon a Chocolate Yoghurt (a very rare treat in this house) I told her not to let him have the spoon, next minute she's telling me proudly that she taught him to use a spoon. He ended up covered head to toe in yoghurt. 

Introducing our new baby, Baby Stuart. Lili has been a great little Mummy to her minion, this is where I found him when I went to bed. 

Auron made this really cool car. It's hard to tell from the photo but it was pretty fantastic with lots of different parts that did different things 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

The Week at Our House

It's been a quiet week for our little family. I we haven't really gotten out much. I think we were all in need of some down time. Aarahi was sick a couple of days and had one day off work. It was lovely having him home. The big kids and I went and did groceries together and picked out a Halloween costume for Ammon. He's going to be Buzz Lightyear. Super cute. They love coming to the shops because we usually get a special treat when we are finished. We try to take each of them out by themselves at least once a fortnight. Lili came with me earlier in the week to pick something up from Coles. While we were there she asked me if we could get a bubble machine. Knowing how much she loooooves bubbles we had a look and found one for $5. $5 well spent.

On the weekend we went and bought some seeds to plant. Auron has been all about growing plants and gardening lately....must be in the blood or something??? Aarahi however can't stand anything to do with gardening, too many years spent in the kumara patch as a child I suspect. Lili wanted to plant strawberry seeds but we compromised on buying actual plants instead, hoping we might have more luck. Unfortunately they are still not growing fast enough for her liking. Here's hoping we get more that $21 worth of strawberries out of them, because that's how much the plants were.

Ammon is such a mischief. He is in to EVERYTHING! and more importantly (for him anyway) he has figured out how to get Lili and Auron to do pretty much whatever he wants. In the mornings the kids are early birds usually waking up just before 6am. As for me, I don''t personally want to get up at that time. Auron usually comes in and gets my phone and iPad for him and Lili, and Lili then goes and gets some toys for Ammon to play with. Then they all go back to bed for another 30mins. It's lovely.

Lili had a rough day at church, everyone was touching her hair... Just so you know, she really really hates people touching her hair. I know its cute and all and it's really hard to resist pulling those little curls but please don't. It hurts her and makes her hate her hair which is really sad. Then after church she got her finger jammed in the chapel doors.

We had a singing practice for our Primary Presentation next month at the end Auron sung a solo of popcorn popping. It was super cute! He has got the sweetest little spirit. I love his little child like faith. He is working hard to memorise the Articles of Faith and our weekly family scripture. So far he has 5 versus memorised. We are really enjoying all the new questions he has. The other day he asked me where babies come from. I told him they come from Mummies tummies when they have husbands. Later I heard him tell Lili that when she gets a husband she's going to get fat.

Aarahi gave a wonderful talk today on the Resurrection of Christ. He always gives wonderful talks, Ilove hearing him speak. Unfortunately my children weren't the most well behaved today and I struggled to hear the whole talk.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Onwards and Upwards!

I think it must have been awhile since I have written. There are 3 unfinished post sitting in my account!

We have been enjoying the beautiful Summer like weather here this weekend. It has been at 30+ degrees the past two days and will continue for another few days before dropping back down to more seasonally appropriate weather.

Apparently on Friday it was a public holiday to celebrate Grand Final weekend for the AFL...not we could actually care less about it. I am not even sure who was playing. But it was a perfect excuse for us to take advantage of the sun and head down to the beach in the city. It in no beach like we are used to but it was good enough for the kids. They had the best time, I don't think Auron and Izayah got out of the water for 3 hours or so.

On Saturday Aarahi went to play in the Greenvale Ward Table Tennis Tournament. It's all very serious business. I think it's the 2nd or 3rd year it's been going now. He came home a winner! He won the doubles with one of the other guys.

Lili is pretty much 100% now. She had been having 4-5 hour naps in the day for half the week but hasn't had to have a nap at all the past few days. It is so nice to have her back! Although it was hard to have her sick, I really enjoyed all the time I got to spend with her. She really is one of the funniest kids you can meet.

Auron has taken an interest in Chess this past week so Aarahi has been teaching him slowly. Each morning after breakfast he gets out the board and practices setting it up and learning the names of the pieces. When Aarahi gets home they have a couple of games and learn a new rule.

Ammon has been sleeping through the night...THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!! That is unheard of in this house like, what am I going to do with all this sleep I am getting at night?? I've been waking up at 5am which is not cool, hopefully my body clock will reset. But really, is this what it's like for all those people with kids that are good sleepers?? First time in 5 years I've not had someone yelling my name or crying at obscene times of the night. Aarahi and I have so much energy it's like we should go run a marathon or something. There's something to be said about sleep deprivation that's for sure.

The kids and the birthday girl...

Family Photo


Lili earned her Happy Meal, learning all her letters

MMM white top + watermelon = bad idea

3 Little rascals ready to swim

Tuckered out after the party