They managed to get her to eat an icy pole and did some tests. They had the the paediatric docs come look at her. They were still baffled as to what was really wrong with her. She had no other indications of illness other than being tired. They were happy for her to go home and go to the GP the next day for her results. We were to bring her straight back if she got worse or we couldn't get her to drink.
Tuesday night we ended up taking her back as she had nothing to drink in over 24 hours and waking her up was terribly hard. "Thankfully" she had developed a cough and slightly red throat. This led the doctors to be more happy with their predictions of a virus instead of something quite serious. The admitted her overnight to pump her full of fluid. The next morning she was so much happier. Yesterday she only had a 1 hour nap as opposed to sleeping 20 hours a day as she had been doing since last Thursday.
It was a pretty worrying time and we have never been so thankful for a cough and a sore red throat! We appreciated all the love and messages and checking in.
We hope all those lovely Daddy's and Poppa's out there had a fabulous day yesterday! Our week has been plagued by sickness but I'll get to that later.
Monday: Home school group. We left home about 10am and it was lovely and sunny so I told Auron to leave his jacket at home and he would be warm enough with what he was wearing. 30mins later it was freezing cold , the poor kids was miserable. He warmed up once we got to the park and could run around. I let Auron pick what we were having for lunch since and he chose a place called Schnitz. He declared it was his favourite place ever. I informed him not to get to attached as the price tag wasn't as appealing as the delicious food.
Tuesday: Today was a beautiful day so we went for a walk to Aunty Mel's to have lunch. It was actually really warm today, think tee-shirt and shorts weather. When Auron put on his jacket again he just looked at me and said "remember yesterday mummy?" Who was I to argue with that? He ditched the jacket a few 100m down the road.
Wednesday: I have absolutely no recollection of what happened on this day. This seems to be happening more and more often these days.
Thursday: This is where our week took a turn for the worst. I should have seen it coming! When the kids got up they were lounging around on the couch looking sorry for themselves. I told them they needed to change their attitudes or go back to bed. They both headed back to bed at 930am and didn't emerge again for another few hours. Auron perked right up but Lili on the other hand just had some lunch then went back to bed. For the next 3 days Lili didn't get off the couch. She is such a good sick kid, barely hear a peep out of her.
Friday: Aarahi had the day off work! We had big plans to go out and spend time together as a family for Fathers day but Lili was sick and Ammon was now sick too. Ammon was not a good sick kid!!!! The whinging and the whining was doing my head in. I was thankful Aarahi was there to share in the torment but felt bad he was missing out on his special day. On a plus note I got all the washing done. Aarahi did take Auron out to the city for a treat. They got ice creams, special hot chocolates and went to play in the arcade (something only Daddy would do)
Saturday: Oh dear now I'm down with whatever the kids have. I spent the majority of the day in bed whilst my dear husband looked after the kids. Unfortunately when you are a parent there are no sick days and you still need to get up and do some cleaning and help out with the kids. Lili was still couch bound so Aarahi was going to take her to the doctor but she started to perk up so he just took her for a ride in the car and let her pick a treat at the supermarket. Grapes and surprises there!
Sunday: Aarahi was speaking in Stake Conference today. I really wanted to go hear his talk, but was still sick and definitely didn't want to take all the kids! So at 8am I dropped Auron and Lili at my cousins house. Unfortunately conference didn't start until 1pm not at 10am like I thought. Poor Sarah lucked out there. She messaged me a little while later to say all the kids were asleep. Aarahi did a great talk on "Not Just a Casual Follower of Christ" After conference we went back to Sarah's for dinner and learnt that Auron was now struck down with the sickness and hadn't moved off the couch all day either.
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Auron filled up his Alphabet Dinosaur and got his treat of a Happy Meal. He has worked so hard over the past couple of weeks to learn all his letters this was such a well deserved treat. |