Saturday, 28 February 2015

And the Days of Our Life Continue

This week was full on and doesn't seem to be slowing down. Usually Aarahi and I give each other at least one afternoon a week to have a rest/sleep/time out in the bedroom with no little people, but this week has been so non-stop that it just wasn't possible. Oh boy did we miss it!

On Monday the kids and I spent 5 hours doing school work and activities. I admit it was a pretty fun day so I wasn't surprised they didn't want to stop. We made my cousin Bronte a birthday present for her 10th birthday. Scissors and glue and Auron was in heaven. Lili got so covered in mess I just had to leave Auron to finish it up by himself.

On Tuesday I had the kids help me clean out the pool while they were swimming. Later that day it started pouring with rain along with some thunder. Auron and I were standing on the doorstep watching and decided to jump in the freshly cleaned pool for a swim in the rain, we didn't even bother to put togs on. We jumped in clothes and all. It was the most fun I have had in a long time!

Wednesday saw us going into the city to sign the contract for our house and mortgage. We are happy to say that we will not be stuck with a 30 year loan but should have it paid off in 15-18 years fingers crossed! Also got a fantastic interest rate of 4.49%. We decided to have dinner in the City to avoid the crazy Melbourne rush hour. Dinner was below average and I wasn't at all impressed.

Thursday the kids and I went into town to do something which I can't remember. Probably wasn't important and I probably bought a whole lot of stuff I didn't need. When Aarahi got home we went over to Bronte's party/afternoon tea. The kids love going to see my Aunty and Uncle and their cousins. Bronte really like the present we made her. She is easy to please that kid!

On Friday...I was dying for some sleep! But really I made a bunch of cupcakes for Relief Society and tried to catch up on house work and paying bills and all that other stuff that sucks about being an adult. That night I was supposed to go to Enrichment night at church but really couldn't be bother but went anyway. I am glad I did. It was a nice 2 hour break, Aarahi was happy to look after the kids. I got home to, two sleeping kids and a happy baby all ready for bed. Aarahi was my hero and folded and put away my mountain of washing I had washed that day.

Saturday we had big plans which we threw out the window in favour of sleep and relaxing on the couch...after I enlisted everyone's help to clean the house.
This is what Ammon though of Family Home Evening

One of the missionary's gave our family this AMAZING Book of Mormon timeline puzzle. Auron has been putting it together everyday and is learning lots of the stories and peoples names.

Auron took this photo during our meeting at the builders

Lili begged Daddy to take them on the escalator, he is the best Daddy 

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Houses and Playgrounds

Busy week, stressful week. Most of this week we spent making decisions about our house. We poured over so many house plans that they started to all look the same. In the end Aarahi and I both decided on the one we both really liked. Yesterday we went in to talk to the "guy" I don't really know what you call him? He went over everything with us and took us out to view the land this morning. It's such a nice area I can't wait to move out there! The land looks like a whole lot of nothing right now, they have just started building our street. Building of our house will start in August and fingers crossed finished by Christmas. This timing works out pretty well for us so I am happy.

On Thursday I needed a break. It was hot and sticky and everyone was grumpy so I took the kids to the new indoor play centre. They played for like 2 hours while I sat and read a book. It was just the break we all needed. I learned my kids have no fear, Lili and Auron were both throwing themselves down the HUGE inflatable slide with out a care in the world.

Ammon has been super cute this week, he has just started giggling and babbling away to himself. He is such a good baby we are so blessed. I told Aarahi last night we should have some more, he looked at me like I was a mad woman. Obviously this last pregnancy hasn't quite faded from his memory yet! I'm sure there will be a few more kidlets to come though.

I have a huge pile of dishes needing to be washed but out of dish washing liquid, Aarahi told me to use Laundry Powder like his Sister in Law Kristen.....I may just have to do that.

Waiting for her lunch...Chicken and chips, which she barely touched

This one slept most of the time

Climbing the ladder to the top of the big slide

Slushies from Hungry Jacks as promised

Going out to look at the land. 

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Valentine's Day Love

It has been a busy and exciting week for us. On Wednesday I felt like I could take on the world! I guess that is what happens when your baby only wakes up ONCE at night and your 2 year old stays in her own bed ALL night. It's safe to say on Wednesday I was convinced I was living the perfect life, with my perfect kids and perfect husband. When Aarahi got home from work I announced that we were going out for dinner to celebrate all this perfectness.

During the week the kids and I had been practising how to behave when we are out in public to eat. In the past their behaviour hasn't been terrible but it's not great either. So I was keen to see how our practising and training had worked out. THEY WERE AMAZING!!!!!!!!! they sat quietly, didn't get out of their seats, didn't yell or get grumpy, they ate their dinner without complaining and Aarahi and I were able to actually enjoy our dinner and have a conversation. It was a pretty fantastic end to my perfect day....then I woke up to Thursday, which wasn't quite as perfect.

On Friday Aarahi and I had an appointment at the bank for our home loan. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I knew we had worked hard to get where we are, but I was still worried it wasn't going to be enough. Once we sat down with the loan manager, and he looked at all our accounts and paper work he was blown away with how we had managed to accomplish so much on, one income, and 3 children. He gave us pre-approval for WAY more than we wanted, and told us to go find our house. It's the blessings of paying our tithing I have no doubt about it.

On Saturday Morning we celebrated Valentines Day with a special breakfast then headed out to deliver special Valentines goodies to some of our favourite people. Aarahi and I have been working hard to try teach our children to think of others before themselves and thought this would be a good opportunity for them to put that in to practice outside of our own little family. We have an acronym we try to use J.O.Y. Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last.

After delivering our gifts we headed out to the display village to look at houses. The kids thought it was fun and I think they would be happy to live in any of the houses we saw. Aarahi and I on the other hand were able to decide on what features we did and didn't like. I think we have nailed down a house that we like and will speak with the builders this week probably.

We later walked over to McDonalds to get a treat (go to the toilet). It was the strangest Mcdonalds we have ever been too. It was brand new and had too many "fancy"features. Lili wouldn't get out of the playground I had to go in and get her wearing a dress. I'm not sure if she was stuck or just being stubborn, anyway I was not impressed....can you tell my perfect family really isn't so perfect after all?! haha

This kid slept for almost 2 days straight only waking to eat. I suspect a growth spurt as he put on a full 1 kg in a week

Being nice a quiet in the restaurant

Auron so badly wanted me to buy these for Ammon "He will be sooo cute! it's just perfect for Ammon"'
I couldn't say no...

one of our Valentine's treats 

All ready to go

I love this photo of these cheeky two

Ammon is full of smiles these days...well mostly, he often looks at you like you are crazy too

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Oh How I Love Summer

Not much to report this week other than SUMMER IS BACK! We enjoyed a week of blissfully warm weather which meant we spent most of the time outside in the sun. You would think I would take the opportunity to catch up on my laundry but no, there is still a pile of clothes and towels waiting for me to get done this morning.
The kids enjoyed getting back into the pool. I bought chlorine and cleaned the filter out etc just before it got cold so a crystal clean pool has just been sitting outside torturing my poor kids. One day though Auron threw one of his toys in and I made him go in and get it despite the freezing water. He kept say ''ahhh my butt crack is cold!" 
Sometime last week we got a payout from Centrelink. I was pretty slack with filling in all the paper work after Ammon was born so it's taken a looong time for it to get processed. On the upside, the back pay was a nice treat for our savings account. We still don't have his birth certificate so no passport which makes me rather anxious. I don't like knowing that I can't leave the country in a hurry if I need to. Hopefully it turns up in the next week or so.
On Friday the kids and I went to Story Time at the Library. It's pretty much a 90min class where they read books, sing songs and do an activity. It's been a while since we had been. Auron in particular was INCREDIBLY frustrated at all the other kids not being "obedient" and that it was taking a long time to get anything done because the teacher had to keep stopping. 
The topic for the day was on Pets. The teacher asked if anyone had pets, and Auron's hand shot up quick smart. He was so excited to tell her that we had PET mice. Haha I nearly fell out of my chair, thank goodness she didn't ask where they lived. On that note we bought these things you plug into the wall which send out a sound...they seem to be working, I haven't seen a mouse for a few days. 
On Sunday there was no nursery leader for Liliana's class so she hung out with her Aunty Marcelle which I am pretty sure was the highlight of her day, Either that or sitting in sacrament meeting eating up a storm from all treats she manage to scrounge off all the old people sitting around her. 

This was Auron's favourite part of the library trip. They made turtles...which really looked a lot like E.T.

We bought Auron an Iron Man suit during the week, he thought Ammon needed to join in on his fun. "Iron Baby" According to Auron.

Selfies in the car while we wait for Daddy to finish working in the office at church

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Not The Weekend We Had Planned

To be honest I can't really remember a lot of what happened this past week. We did make it to the library on one day. We picked out a bunch of books then when to issue them only to realise that our card was expired. Unfortunately for it was Aarahi's card (because mine has way to many fines...) and I couldn't renew it. So we are stuck with the same old books at home.

The theme for our school work this week was on the Creation. We had some pretty funny talks about all the things God created including Spiderman's webs. We practised our cutting skills, Auron was focusing so hard on cutting out his stars he ended up cutting through all the other pictures on the page. His stars were cut out perfectly though!

On Friday our house was struck down with gastro. Oh my gosh was it bad!!!!!!!!!! It started with Auron just before lunch, by 2pm it had hit me. Ammon was incredibly fussy and upset. He had a good vomit and came right but still grizzly. Aarahi came home from work and dealt with us all until he was hit at 2am. The rest of the weekend was rather unpleasent as you can imagine. Lili thankfully didn't get it but due to our lack of parenting she pretty much ran wild all weekend and didn't sleep so by Sunday she was a right emotional mess. Now it is Monday and we are back to normal. The unfortunate thing about being sick while yo are a parent is that you can't just be sick. You still need to function somewhat.

Mischief found the lip stick!

found a few old photos

And another

reliving her baby days

School time