On Friday I took the kids to the zoo by myself. 1 bus and 2 trains later we arrived. I'm not sure if I was brave or insane. In the end we all had a great day. I packed the kids lunches which they wanted to eat straight away. Lili got yoghurt all over herself, but that was only the start of it for her. By the end of the day she was covered in ice cream, yoghurt, dirt and chocolate cake. Why I thought a white top was a good idea for her I will never know. When we arrived at the zoo I could smell a stench that was that all familiar new born nappy smell. This was the foulest smelling nappy I have ever changed in my life. Both Auron and I were gagging. Some had leaked out onto his pants and being the organised person I am, I didn't bring a change of clothes. Luckily it was a nice hot day so I striped him down to his onesie and away we went. The kids loved the seals and penguins the most followed by the butterflies and elephants. Earlier in the week I had made them little booklets to fill in and little activities to do while we were there. Auron and I sat down on the grass to fill in his, while Lili freaked out about the seagulls getting too friendly. I think we need to work on Aurons drawing skills, he definitely inherited my lack of drawing ability. Lili is way more on to it in the drawing department. Soon enough Lili was asleep so Auron and I got another iceblock and headed back to the train. This time I rang Aarahi to come pick us up from a different station so we didn't have to change trains. An exhausted Auron fell asleep almost as soon as his bum hit the seat. Once we got home Aarahi took them for a swim to cool down.
Later on Friday night my cousin came over to look after our big kids while Aarahi and I went out for dinner to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. It was a the perfect night out, Ammon was well behaved and we managed to hold a conversation uninterrupted. There's not much more we could have asked for. We went all out for dinner ordering mocktails and dessert....because we are crazy like that haha.
Today was church as usual. I should mention how much I hate afternoon church! After church was done Lili screamed down the carpark because she was desperate for a sleep. I couldn't really blame her, she usually has a good 2 hour naps but had skipped it so we could get to church. Sigh...I'm going to have to figure out what to do about that one. If anyone has any great suggestions let me know.
A half captured smile? |
We have a mouse which has been escaping Aarahi's traps...he was successful last night in capturing him though. |
Lili's protest to come out of her room fell on deaf ears and she fell asleep by the door. |